Home and Garden

Let your green zone be lit in an eco friendly way

Solar lights are the lights which come with a charge control, battery, a LED light and most importantly a photo voltaic solar panel to charge the batteries to light up the bulb. These lights are cost-effective as well as Eco-friendly, they are easy to install and cut the electric bill to a greater extent. Solar lights are a beneficial option… Continue reading Let your green zone be lit in an eco friendly way


Use of paper bags in business places foster your role to social wellbeing

Being an owner of a fast food shop, grocery wholesale or dress material showroom, if you’ve a query in mind whether to start using paper bags to deliver goods to your consumers, then most possibly you’re not aware of the recent trend of paper bags in the industry. With the comprehensive range of paper bags… Continue reading Use of paper bags in business places foster your role to social wellbeing


What makes it crucial to furnish a library with fitting storage systems?

Without proper arrangement in shelving and re-shelving of books in a library room, it would be difficult for readers to locate the books. It is the major responsibility of a librarian to ensure that all books, periodicals or magazines are re-shelved within a day after they are returned by the patrons.  With this, the speed… Continue reading What makes it crucial to furnish a library with fitting storage systems?